Sunday, January 3, 2010

Herose From the Dead

On December 9-12, 2009. I have to say, I did not the make the wrong decision to go for National Baptist Heroes Camp. Why I say this, it's because before this camp I was complaining to God that I dislike to mix with people, as you know on my previous post, I've mention that I'm tired of people and don't trust anyone in my life. For another reason, I'm scared I'll get jealous to see her with him, even though I don't have the feeling for her. The last reason was I have another to camp on Dec 17-20.

Okay, on the first day of Heroes camp, I'm still bearing the unwilling heart to go for this camp, the feeling of DON'T BELONG, until that night the 1st session of the camp was something from God. The camp speaker, Pastor Victor Wong shared the all-known story of David and Goliath. As he was mentioning all the points and the supernatural happenings in the Bible and of course the funny Today's Victor Version which put a lot of smile out of everyone.

I heard a voice's from my mind. The voice said:" You see David, God has not forgotten you, instead this very first day of the camp had mentioned your name from the Bible. Who say that this camp is not from God for you?" When the voice had just finished, Pastor Victor Wong then asked of who is age of 16 and named David to raise up their hand. I raised up my hand, and pr. Victor said he got something special for me to do for everyone after the session.

Alright after the whole session, pr. Victor called me out and asked me to sling the stone like the David in the Bible. Embarrassingly, I can't shoot all the stone to the paper above the slide stand. From that night, that DON'T BELONG feeling left me.

Through this camp, I've learn how to be a Hero for this world, how to be Hero M.A.Dness. How to be successful in my studies and of course to place Jesus above everything. I've cried so terribly on the 2nd night as I surrendered everything to the Lord. Tears flowing from my eyes for 15-20 minutes, I can't stop crying when they displayed the crucifixion of Jesus. I was asking Lord, Why? Why so cruel? Why you have to go through all this? Why I complain? Why Am I not appreciating a lot of things? Please Lord, forgive me and change me, USE me, although the past was so hurtful but I still want to do what I'm passionate for, that is to make a difference in people's life and I ended with pr. Daniel praying for me.

Second thing, through the WorldGame, I have to cut this short, because I'm afraid that all of you might going to close this if it's too long. Oh well in the World Game, it was pretty messy and confusing, I was chose to be in South Korea, not to mention I've got to most incredible and awesome team mates. In the game, we have to manage ourselves with enough food, goods and education for our survival as a country. Of course, there's a fear of being attacked by other countries(Players of the camp).

Slowly, in this game, crisis, disasters, corruption, war and unfairness happened(literally I'm talking the process of the game, not real war or happenings.) I was thinking all these things that happened in this game, it's feel so real that all these are even happens in our real world.

Until the last day, pr. John told us that because one man's greed and desire for power can destroy the world but it needs so much effort and people to make the world to be a better place. He shared something about we being Christ's ambassadors, what are we gonna do for the world? He challenged us with that and the most funny part was everyone was changed, they threw down their selfishness, and start distributing all their resources to everyone in the world. Some countries officially made themselves to become a Christian country, but some of countries still have stubborn heart like Russia(in the game) still nuclear bombing other countries.

I've secretly heard one of the Russian's President, they said let us bomb India first and then we only we turn ourselves to be a Christian Country. I was laughing by the side, if this is real, I think God would not forgive that.

4 days have passed so quickly, that I wanted to stay there longer and I met my old crush. I really admired her eyes and I've procrastinated to talk to her throughout the camp. Thanks to my coward self but I got a chance to take a group with her.

I really thank God for that camp. Oh I forgot to mention, through the world, I didn't felt jealous at all when he was with her. Well guess I was to overwhelmed with God's grace and love. I don't even bother those two but I turned to be supportive to both of their relationship! =)

Well that's all for now. Thanks for reading! =)


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