Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Curiosity To Find Peace

There's something in my heart that makes me so curious about God. I am so curious about something that I've learn during prayer meetings. During sharing, I've heard many people shared about the visions they saw when they were praying, and the sharing they shared was so deep that I can't really understand, then I compare my sharing to others and I felt my sharing is like a child's sharing with all those simple things about my life but others were so deep and they understand what God is telling them through their visions.

I asked my dad about visions and he told me he himself can see visions too. I know some where in the Bible did mention about visions, and I am so curious to experience this thing call SEEING VISIONS.

Lately, I've been very undisciplined, I've done things that I shouldn't do. I'm desperately seeking peace in the Lord, but I've put myself in too much home works and plenty of school's work, I didn't really plan my time to spend with the Lord. There's a lot of things, I want to learn from my dad, he's been telling that he have peace with the Lord.

I am like what kind of PEACE my dad meant! I am feeling so frustrated about the life style I'm having and I am wanting that PEACE with the Lord. I'm having unnecessary tiredness, unnecessary headaches, I can just screw everything up and I just want my Lord.

I want to spend a quite time with the Lord and just really experience, waiting and listen to him.

I guess I've talked too much, I ought to do something better than this.

Signing Off,

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